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We add value to people’s lives by helping them save not just money, but time and effort too.

Launched in February 2014 by Poundland founder Steve Smith, we understand that our customers are looking for value and convenience without compromise.  With the launch of Poundland in 1990, Steve Smith founded a new multi-billion single price retail sector.  His enthusiasm for giving amazing value is as strong as ever and Steve visits the distribution centre weekly, rolling his sleeves up and taking a great deal of interest in expanding the multi billion high street business online.

Our products are selected with our customer in mind.  We look for your favourite brands and quality items that don’t just offer value but will get the job done.  We all have busy lives and at our mission is to save you money and deliver great products that you can easily order month after month, leaving you to concentrate on the fun things in life!

We share your values and hope that our values shine through in every delivery you receive.