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Poundland's coffee assortments offer the ideal selection for all coffee lovers. Indulge in instant coffee for a quick, flavorful mix or Iced coffee for a refreshing taste; if you want that delicious coffee taste without the caffeine spike, we have an array of decaf coffee options on offer. If you prefer a luxurious taste, look no further than our ground coffee. Why not pair it with our coffee creamer for that instant premium taste? Shop our other instant and delicious drinks, like our hot chocolate selection, for a delightful treat at a low price!

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34 Products
  1. Nescafé 3 In 1 Caramel (Pack of 12)


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  2. Nescafé Original 2 in 1 (Pack of 6)


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  3. Nescafé 3 in 1 Original (Pack of 6)


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  4. Kenco Rich Instant Coffee, 200g


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  5. Kenco Rich Instant Coffee, 100g


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  6. KENCO Original Latte, 16.3g (Pack of 8)


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  7. KENCO Original Cappuccino 8 x 14.8g


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  8. Nescafé Gold Blend Alta Rica 95g


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  9. Nescafé Original Coffee, 300g


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  10. Mokate Coffee Whitener Standard, 350g


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  11. Maxwell House 2 in 1 White Coffee x10


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  12. Nescafé Gold Blend 100g


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  13. Nescafe Gold Caramel Latte (Pack of 8)


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